Google Keyword Tool Updates to Keyword Planner
Google will soon close the Keyword Tool and update it to Keyword Planner. The Keyword Planner tool will help you plan your next search campaign. The new interface displays the keyword ideas as ad groups. For example, a search for "Seo" gives us some ad group ideas as given below:-
The new interface looks great and allows you to divide your keywords into ad groups that displays the individual keywords included in the group, the average monthly searches, the competition and the average CPC. This tool is specially designed for Adwords help but search engine optimizers can still use it as a great resource to find keywords related to niche businesses.
You may also upload your own keywords and multiply the keyword lists to get even better ideas. Have a look at the screenshot shared below:-
I would advise all of you to switch over to the new tool because the sooner you switch, the sooner you would be able to adapt to its interface and grab the essentials of finding the most profitable keywords in your niche.
The new interface looks great and allows you to divide your keywords into ad groups that displays the individual keywords included in the group, the average monthly searches, the competition and the average CPC. This tool is specially designed for Adwords help but search engine optimizers can still use it as a great resource to find keywords related to niche businesses.
You may also upload your own keywords and multiply the keyword lists to get even better ideas. Have a look at the screenshot shared below:-
I would advise all of you to switch over to the new tool because the sooner you switch, the sooner you would be able to adapt to its interface and grab the essentials of finding the most profitable keywords in your niche.
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Ditulis Oleh Zai Azura
Description: Google Keyword Tool Updates to Keyword Planner
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Artikel ini memiliki rating: 97% Top Artikel dari 93058 ratings. 93058 pembaca merekomendasikan ini.
Ditulis Oleh Zai Azura
Description: Google Keyword Tool Updates to Keyword Planner
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