Types of URL Redirections - 301, 302 and other Redirects
URL redirection means that a single web page content is made available under different url's. Having a complete knowledge of URL redirection is necessary for webmasters and search engine optimizers. This post will provide an idea about the type of URL redirections available and their uses.
301 (Used for SEO Purpose)
301 redirect is a permanent redirect and is used when any URL gets changed and moved to a separate location. For example www.example.com is moved to www.example2.com then 301 redirect will help the users to visit www.example2.com even if they open www.example.com.
301 redirects helps in proper passing of the link juice without seriously affecting the search engine positioning of the website.
302 (Used for SEO Purpose)
302 redirect is a temporary redirect when a web page gets available at a different location for some time but the permanent location remains the same. This type of redirect does not passes link juice and trust to the new but temporary url.
303 redirects are "see other" redirects. It tells the search engines that the requested resource exists on a different url. This type of redirect does not passes the link value and should be avoided.
304 redirects tells the search engines that the requested resource is not modified. Hence these are known as "Not Modified" redirects.
305 redirects tells the agents to locate the resource using a proxy. The location field must be specified that contains the URL of the proxy.
307 redirects are temporary in nature and are mostly used by web developers.
The three most important HTML redirects are given below:-
Meta Refresh
The meta refresh redirects the users to a new page after an interval of predefined refresh time. Meta refresh is not treated well in the eyes of search engines as some of the webmasters use this redirect for cloaking purpose which violates the search engine guidelines.
When some other page content is forcefully displayed within an iframe so that it looks that it is present on the original URL, then these type of redirects is known as "Iframe redirects". Most of the search engines considers this as a form of cloaking as may penalize a website.
JavaScript Redirects
JavaScript redirects helps to redirect the users from one location to a different location. Search engines do not follow the JavaScript redirects.
There are several tools through which you can check which redirect has been implemented on a site. These are given below:-
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HTTP Redirects
301 (Used for SEO Purpose)
301 redirect is a permanent redirect and is used when any URL gets changed and moved to a separate location. For example www.example.com is moved to www.example2.com then 301 redirect will help the users to visit www.example2.com even if they open www.example.com.
301 redirects helps in proper passing of the link juice without seriously affecting the search engine positioning of the website.
302 (Used for SEO Purpose)
302 redirect is a temporary redirect when a web page gets available at a different location for some time but the permanent location remains the same. This type of redirect does not passes link juice and trust to the new but temporary url.
303 redirects are "see other" redirects. It tells the search engines that the requested resource exists on a different url. This type of redirect does not passes the link value and should be avoided.
304 redirects tells the search engines that the requested resource is not modified. Hence these are known as "Not Modified" redirects.
305 redirects tells the agents to locate the resource using a proxy. The location field must be specified that contains the URL of the proxy.
307 redirects are temporary in nature and are mostly used by web developers.
HTML Redirects
The three most important HTML redirects are given below:-
Meta Refresh
The meta refresh redirects the users to a new page after an interval of predefined refresh time. Meta refresh is not treated well in the eyes of search engines as some of the webmasters use this redirect for cloaking purpose which violates the search engine guidelines.
When some other page content is forcefully displayed within an iframe so that it looks that it is present on the original URL, then these type of redirects is known as "Iframe redirects". Most of the search engines considers this as a form of cloaking as may penalize a website.
JavaScript Redirects
JavaScript redirects helps to redirect the users from one location to a different location. Search engines do not follow the JavaScript redirects.
How to Check Which Redirect is Applied on a Website?
There are several tools through which you can check which redirect has been implemented on a site. These are given below:-
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Description: Types of URL Redirections - 301, 302 and other Redirects
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