Importance of Content for Seo in Post Panda World
Content is the most important factor for search engine optimization in a post Panda world. Search engines rate a site based on the relevancy of content and therefore, one of the primary factors for ranking on search engines is having quality and user friendly content.
Here is what Matt Cutts says "Try to make a site that is so fantastic you become an authority in your niche"
As shown in the infographic below, content fuels Google organic traffic with 92% marketers in support of having effective content for seo.
Here is what Matt Cutts says "Try to make a site that is so fantastic you become an authority in your niche"
As shown in the infographic below, content fuels Google organic traffic with 92% marketers in support of having effective content for seo.

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Ditulis Oleh Zai Azura
Description: Importance of Content for Seo in Post Panda World
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Artikel ini memiliki rating: 97% Top Artikel dari 93058 ratings. 93058 pembaca merekomendasikan ini.
Ditulis Oleh Zai Azura
Description: Importance of Content for Seo in Post Panda World
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