How Important is Online Visibility?
In 2012, it's hard to imagine a company without an Internet presence. From the world's most prominent brand names to small, local businesses; most companies have already made the transition to the Web and many more are expanding their websites, social networking profiles and online storefronts. The Internet serves as a massive, worldwide promotional tool and its scale and reach are simply far too great to be ignored in the digital age. While thousands of companies around the world are fortifying their online identities, some are still struggling to be noticed. Internet marketing companies adamantly insist that visibility take the same precedence as accessibility as it pertains to a business' online presence.
So, how can a company achieve that visibility? The Internet is a very competitive marketplace and it can be easy to lose traction. In fact, even some major companies have needed a helping hand to improve factors such as organic search rankings, social media enhancement and E-Commerce. It may be difficult to believe that some of the world's most recognizable brands are lacking sufficient visibility online, but it is a rather common scenario. In the last few years, some of the world's largest retailers have taken drastic measures to enhance their online presence in order to boost sales during the economic downturn and in doing so, realized the value of Internet marketing.
Online sales have been on the rise, despite economic concerns. Many companies are closing physical retail stores in favor of their more profitable online storefronts. In addition, those companies are also placing a greater focus on marketing those storefronts through the usage of search engine and social media optimization strategies. Some companies view E-Commerce as the future of retail and are planning accordingly. For businesses that are still struggling to be noticed in the Internet marketplace, online marketing is an investment that should definitely not be overlooked.
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Ditulis Oleh Zai Azura
Description: How Important is Online Visibility?
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Ditulis Oleh Zai Azura
Description: How Important is Online Visibility?
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